Wow. What a trip!

Hi everybody.  I have passed through the storm.  Uhhhggg.  Chemo can make you feel  si-ick.  Friday was okay.  Saturday morning, I was hit down hard and stayed medicated through Sunday evening.  By Monday morning, I could begin to see the light.  YEA!!  Now I know, perhaps, what to expect the next time.

Many of you have asked how you can be of help.  I cannot begin to express my gratitude.  You are all so kind and generous!!  So if you want,  here’s the help I need.

1) You could come by and help engage the children.  After school homework?  Serve up dinner (and eat with us!), Bath and book time?  Making lunches for the next day?  I CAN do it, AND the extra help is a treat for me and the kids.  I am tired and it takes great energy to meet the demand. 🙂

2) Meals are always good.  We like most anything.

3) Come by and visit.  I will choose not to get out much because my immune system is compromised.  If you are well, come see me sometime :).

4) Select a chore of choice.  Make a bed.  Vacuum a carpet.  I’m not proud.  We are still trying to sell the house, and keeping it tidy is a full-time job.

I should improve with time (until the next time).  My family really pulled me through this weekend, allowing me to stay in bed to recover.  I am so blessed.  Currently I have lethargy and pain – totally manageable!!  I can do my daily routine without outside help, and for this I am SO grateful.  But as stated, many of you ask and desire to help….so here you have it!

I love ALL of you so much.  I know in my heart that I have a full team of players on my side.  This is not a solo job.  It is heart warming and reassuring to know that you guys have got my back.

Thank God for allowing me to be humble and vulnerable, for those who know me best, know this to be a tough task.

Psalm 18:32-34  the God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless. He made my feet like the feet of a deer  and set me secure on the heights. He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

I am positioning myself for “battle;” I will claim victory over this evil cancer!

With your and God’s help,


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