Getting things in motion.

I was able to secure an appointment with my doctor on Tuesday. He too was concerned with the size of my belly and the fact that the fluid had returned so quickly.  He had my report back and was able to name which chemo would be best to fight my specific type of cancer cell. We also discussed alternative treatment options versus conventional medicine. Gordon, myself and the doc decided we needed to move quickly and aggressively to remove the fluid and keep it at bay (which meant attacking the cancer cells now!). I was admitted to the hospital. and was scheduled for an immediate paracentesis. This time they drew 3 liters of fluid. They put me on pain meds and got me comfortable. Today, Wednesday, I have started my first round of chemo. I will probably go home tomorrow, and will receive treatment 1x/week for three weeks as an outpatient. Then we will evaluate whether the chemo is working “basically is it reducing the fluid build up in my abdomen?” I said I wanted to continue to explore alternative options. My Doctor, based on my history and multiple recurrance of my cancer, is open to considering all and every possibility.  I am glad that we are just doing something! I am glad that the fluid is reduced and that my pain is being managed. I will be glad to get back home and be less “sick” in the company of my loving family (and dogs). And in reading back over this, I sound like a reporting robot. I am on a lot of meds :/….so will close for now. Love to all. Peri

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